I've often passed these signs on my daily drives and wondered just what they meant (this one was spotted in Elma, N.Y.). I should add — and this should have been a clue to me — that as I passed these signs I often had to close all of the car windows. If you get my drift.
Basically it means, if you decide to move here, don't plan on complaining about the slow-moving farm implements on the road, the noise from said farm implements, or — and here's where I roll up my windows — the odor emanating from the implements, the livestock, the barns, and in some cases, the farmer. These towns have passed right-to-farm laws, and unless something dangerous or illegal is going on — oh well! As one judge remarked while dismissing a case brought against a hog farmer, "...pork production generates odors which cannot be prevented, and so long as the human race consumes pork, someone must tolerate the smell."
Now you know, too.
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